Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The Four Basic Universal Laws



The Universe that we live in is precious beyond imagination. It contains infinite possibility, creativity, knowledge, and life. In order for life to exist in the Universe, there must be universal laws to bring order from chaos. Without these laws, life will not exist because everything will be based on randomness or accident.
To understand how the how the Universe works, we need to study its laws and learn to live in harmony with them. Unfortunately, because of the way our society has been conditioned to think, we human beings have very little knowledge about the Universe and what it has to offer us.
Our very early ancestors and ancient civilizations actually knew more about our past and how the Universe works than we do. Knowing how the Universe works is essential for our spiritual growth, because it contains the necessary laws and energies to create the reality for us to live in.
The Universe is very intelligent and has created many systems that are so precise that it takes advanced mathematics, and advanced technologies to measure them. All of these systems have universal laws but the laws may vary depending on the type of system.
The Four Basic Manifestation Laws of the Universe
There are many basic manifestation laws of the Universe. Four of these basic laws are the Law of Attraction, the Law of Intention, the Law of Allowance, and the Law of Balance. These four basic manifestation laws of the Universe are important for our survival and happiness for the reason that they govern everything we do. To not follow these four basic manifestation laws will bring a lot of pain and suffering into our lives, and eventually death to all. These laws are designed to help bring balance and harmony, which are the foundations of the Universe.
If you have seen the movie The Secret, you may already be aware of the first law which is the Law of Attraction. The Secret did a decent job of explaining how the Law of Attraction works, but it failed to mention some important things about this law. It also failed to properly mention the other three laws, which are the Law of Intention, Law of Allowance, and Law of Balance. Furthermore, it doesn’t stress the importance of taking actions along with focused thought.
If you want to have more control of how your reality is manifested, you need to understand all of the four basic manifestation laws, not just the Law of Attraction. Also, you need to be patient and have faith in these laws. Otherwise it will be very hard to manifest your thoughts into reality. These four basic manifestation laws are very well known in the world of secret societies and royal families. They have used these laws to bring them tremendous success, wealth, and power.
The First Law: The Law of Attraction
In simple terms, the law of attraction is the process of how your thoughts attract positive or negative experiences into your life. For example, if you desired a lot of positive experiences, think more positively. If you desired a lot of negative experiences, think more negatively. The Law of Attraction involves like energy attracting more like energy. Therefore, if you think positively you will attract more positive energy.
Because everything in the Universe is just energy manifested into physical or non-physical form, the positive energy that you attract can manifest your desired experiences into your reality. The Law of Attraction sounds like fun but there is a catch. Remember, it is a law based on the idea that like energy attracts more like energy. As a result, any positive or negative thoughts you have about someone will also be reflected back unto you.
For example, if you desired a lot of negative experiences toward someone such as your enemy, those negative experiences will also reflect back into your reality in one form or another. On the other hand, if you desired positive experiences toward someone, those positive experiences will also reflect back into your reality. This is why it is important to understand the Law of Attraction and use it wisely. The thing you should know about the Law of Attraction is that it is always working, even if you do not believe or understand it.
The Second Law: The Law of Intention
The Law of Intention allows manifestation of thoughts that are held with purposeful intention. The intended thoughts, can also be in words or deed. Through visualization and added emotion, the intended thoughts can bring manifestation if they are held firmly in place by commitment. In a sense, it is more like an intended action. The Law of Intention is important because it allows thoughts to manifest through actions.
For example, if you intend for your body to move, it simply does by acting on your intention. To master the Law of Intention and Law of Attraction takes time, persistent, commitment, patience, and wisdom. Because we live in a world that revolves around linear time, it takes time for the desired experiences that we want to manifest into our reality. Hence, if we lose focus or intention of our desired experiences, we deny ourselves these experiences. Furthermore, the fact that most people are unaware of their spiritual powers also affects how fast we can manifest our thoughts.
This is why it is hard to manifest our thoughts into reality because most of us have too many distractions in our lives. In addition, the distortions in our light bodies make it nearly impossible for instant manifestation to occur. Emotions also play a major role for manifesting our desires. The more emotions we have for our desired experiences, the quicker they will manifest. Besides emotions and thoughts, actions are also very important for manifesting our desires. Without actions to support our thoughts and emotions, our desires will have a hard time manifesting into our lives.
If we learn how to use the Law of Attraction and Law of Intention in a positive way, we can really change the world into a better place. Instead of staying on the destructive path that we are currently on, we can help create a new path that will lead us to prosperity. By using these two laws for the greatest good of humanity, we can help manifest a new paradigm that is more harmonious than the one we are currently in.
The Third Law: The Law of Allowance
The Law of Allowance is the law that basically allows the desired experience to manifest through thoughts, words, and deeds. The Law of Allowance can be referred to as patience. The act of holding the desired experience accompanied by emotions, envisioning its outcome, allowing it to manifest with full faith, is the application of the Law of Allowance.
The Law of Allowance is hard to practice because it needs interaction between the Law of Attraction and Law of Intention. Also, during the manifestation stage external obstacles can disrupt patience. One of the major obstacles is doubt. To allow the desired experience to manifest quickly takes knowledge, responsibility, and mental and emotional confidence.
It is hard to have total faith on something that we cannot see, and allow it to manifest while blocking external influences and letting go of old systems. Because the Law of Allowance is hard to practice, it is also the law that allows the greatest progress for the manifestation of our desires. However, it needs to be combined with action. Using the Law of Allowance to allow us to take actions that support our desires is one of the keys to manifesting our desires.
The Fourth Law: The Law of Balance
The Law of Balance is obtained when the necessary interaction between the first, second and third laws are accomplished in a harmonious way. Balance is essential for the existence of systems in the Universe, such as galaxy, star, and planet. However, total balance may be impossible in our current reality, because systems are always moving away or toward the total balance point (still point). These movements are needed to allow the experiences of polarity to manifest.
Our body is also a system of the Universe. When it is imbalanced, we may experience physical and mental problems. The collective consciousness of the Earth, which includes the Earth’s consciousness and its inhabitant’s consciousness, is very out of balance. Each person’s consciousness affects the collective consciousness of the Earth. Therefore, each person plays an important role for bringing balance back to the systems of Earth.
The four basic manifestation laws of the Universe is constantly at work whether we are consciously or unconsciously aware of them. All of us are practicing the first and second law, but many of us do not have the wisdom to use them effectively. The third law is the law that most people have a hard time practicing.
By understanding the four basic manifestation laws of the Universe and using them for the greatest good for humanity, we can change our current destructive path to a path of prosperity. In order for us to wake up and realize that we are all the same, we need to understand and live in harmony with these universal laws. By understanding these laws, we will also have a better understanding of who we are at the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

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