Opportunity Surrounds You
You are, right
now, standing in opportunity. It is all around you. At this age, at this weight, with these resources, you are surrounded by opportunity. There are doors and windows flying open all around you.
The larger arc of your life is one of constant renewal and opportunity. But this moment, right now, is utterly unique, and the talents you have right now and the types of opportunities which surround you in this moment are here for this moment only. And so, you must take a deep breath and step through a door, take some action, allow yourself to act on those dreams.
If you do not fully believe in yourself, that is all right. Act as if you do. Act as if you are completely confident. Pretend to be the person you aspire to be and the universe will respond. And as the response comes, you will begin to actually be this person you aspire to be. And the response will contain within it both the seeds for your growth and the seeds for your success. You will be praised for some things and given advice on others. All of this is the fruit of action.
Do not let this moment turn into a moment of regret. Do not let this moment be one that you look back on with longing, wondering how you could have missed the signs, how you could have doubted yourself and been so afraid. Let this be a moment you look back on with pride, proud of the courage you had to step out and act, even though you were uncertain in many ways, even though you had to take a deep, deep breath to overcome your fear.
Affirmations to Support Your Lotus Grid Opening, Anchoring, Activating and moment to moment Integrating: http://www.lotusgrid.com/suggestions.htm | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1) | I am so grateful to be alive and I know I am alive at just the right time in history for my destiny to unfold perfectly for me. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2) | I am lovingly connected to all goodness that is in existence in the past, present & future. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3) | I honor my Divine Self and the world with every breath, every action, every intention and every moment of my life. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4) | Everything that happens can be used for good in the universe. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5) | Evolution is miraculous and ordinary, all the time. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6) | Being loved and being loving is my birthright and I claim it right now!!! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7) | It is easier each and every day for others to notice and experience my light, my exquisite talents and creativity and my caring. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8) | I am a valuable human being no matter what I am experiencing while in this body. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9) | The unique lotus flower grid of essential personal and planetary energy that I carry is unfolding in perfected timing to reveal all its ‘petals’ of wisdom, creativity and love to ME first. I can feel the weight, the light , the color and the shape of my lotus grid. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10) | I have so many ideas, so much great energy, talent, caring and action to offer the world and my needs are always met as I interact with all of life. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11) | I am holding, accepting and activating my Divine Lotus Gird of personal and planetary energy with sweet delight and anticipation.
Free Daily Affirmations
In ancient times each day of the week was associated with a particular "god." The gods were seen both as living beings who took an interest in the affairs of mankind as well as powerful archetypal forces who influenced different aspects of humanity's consciousness.
Whether gods were literally true beings or whether they were merely words representing energy, the days of the week were named after them. And since these gods also had planets named after them, each day carries both the name of a god and an association with a particular planet.
We see this in English, especially with the words "Monday" (moon day) and Saturday (Saturn day.) And it's a little easier to see in French.
The French names for each day of the week clearly show how the days were originally linked to the energies of each individual god.
Here are the days of the week in French:
Lundi (Luna or moon day) = Monday
Mardi (Mars day) = Tuesday
Mercredi (Mercury day) = Wednesday
Jeudi (Jupiter day) = Thursday
Vendredi (Venus day) = Friday
Samedi (Saturn day) = Saturday
Dimanche (Sun day) = Sunday
Free Daily Affirmations to Align with the Energies fo the Day
When you're doing daily affirmations, experiment with focusing on the spiritual energies that have long been associated with each day. I think you'll feel a lovely rush of positive energy when you do this. This will boost your success with your daily affirmations.These affirmations will help you tap into the ancient mystical powers of each day:
Monday (moon) = associated with emotional intensity, sensitivity, discernment
"I see all; truth is revealed to me at all times in all ways."
Tuesday (Mars) = being assertive, a time to take action
"I act courageously and I take appropriate action."
Wednesday (Mercury) = intelligence, learning, innovation
"I access the powers of my inner genius."
Thursday (Jupiter) = good fortune, success
"I am successful in all things at all times."
Friday (Venus) = relationship satisfaction, romantic fulfillment
"I enjoy happy, wonderful relationships."
Saturday (Saturn) = order, organization, flow
"I align with perfection and completion."
Sunday (sun day) = pleasure, fun, entertainment
"I am having fun everywhere with everyone."
Adjust These Daily Affirmations to Suit You
Feel free to tweak these daily affirmations and adjust them to fit your intentions for each day.Daily affirmations can be a marvelous tool to tap into the primordial power that mankind has associated with each day for centuries. These psychic "ley lines" instantly connect you with the powers of the subconscious mind.