International Philanthropy special issue of Philanthropy News Digest is devoted to online resources in the field of international philanthropy.While by no means comprehensive, we hope the list provides a convenient starting point for your further explorations of this large and important field. If you would like to suggest a site for inclusion please email Emily Robbins at:
European Foundation Centre
Established in 1989 by seven of Europe's leading foundations, the EFC promotes and underpins the work of foundations and corporate funders active in and with Europe. As part of its mission to promote philanthropy in Europe, the EFC operates a number of projects and initiatives, including the Orpheus Programme (, a searchable database of over 650 funder profiles; the Community Philanthropy Initiative; and the Corporate Citizenship Europe initiative.
Foundation Center
The Foundation Center's Web site offers a variety of resources on international funding, including the RFP Bulletin for information on deadline-based funding opportunities, Links to Nonprofit Resources, and Philanthropy News Digest for the latest news from the philanthropic sector.
Grantmakers Without Borders
A collaboration of the International Working Group and the National Network of Grantmakers, Gw/oB works "to expand and enrich progressive international philanthropy" by providing free advice, alternative sources of information, and increased opportunities for communication among donors.
World Initiatives for Grantmaker Support
A project of the U.S.-based Council on Foundations , World Initiatives for Grantmaker Support is a network of more than 40 grantmaker support organizations devoted to strengthening philanthropy around the globe.
Carnegie Corporation of New York
The Carnegie Corporation of New York was created by Andrew Carnegie in 1911 to promote "the advancement and diffusion of knowledge and understanding." Today, a percentage of its funds are used for the same purpose in countries other than the U.S., with a current emphasis on Commonwealth Africa and Russia and other post-Soviet states. The Corporation's current grantmaking programs include Education, International Peace and Security, International Development, and Strengthening U.S. Democracy.
Ford Foundation
The New York City-based Ford Foundation, one of the largest U.S. funders of international programs, focuses its grantmaking in three areas: asset building and community development, which includes program units in the areas of economic development, community and resource development, and human development and reproductive health; peace and social justice, with program units in human rights, international cooperation and governance, and civil society; and education, media, arts and culture. In addition, the foundation's International Fellowships Program provides opportunities for advanced study to exceptional individuals who will use the education gained "to become leaders in their respective fields, furthering development in their own countries and greater economic and social justice worldwide."
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The Seattle-based Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the largest private foundation in the U.S., places a major focus on helping to improve people's lives through health and learning and looks for "strategic opportunities to extend the benefits of modern science and technology to people around the world, especially where poverty serves as an obstacle to participating in these benefits." The foundation currently supports programs in the areas of global health, including common diseases, public health, and nutrition in developing countries; education and life-long learning, including the use of modern information technology; and family planning and reproductive health efforts in the developing world.
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Created in 1966 by Hewlett-Packard co-founder Bill Hewlett and his wife Flora "to promote the well-being of mankind," the Hewlett Foundation today concentrates its grantmaking activities in the areas of conflict resolution, education, environment, family and community development, performing arts, population, and U.S.-Latin American relations. Most of its grants are awarded to U.S.-based organizations, so be sure to check the foundation's Web site for specific program guidelines.
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Established in 1930 by cereal industry pioneer W.K. Kellogg, the Kellogg Foundation focuses on helping people to help themselves by building the capacity of individuals, communities, and institutions to solve their own problems. The Michigan-based foundation's international grantmaking initiatives are concentrated in the countries of Southern Africa, where it currently funds three initiatives — Integrated Rural Development (IRD), the Leadership Regional Network (LeaRN), and the Initiative for Development and Equity in African Agriculture (IDEAA) — and Latin America and the Caribbean, where it is one of the region's largest private U.S. donors and where the overarching goal of its current programming is "to demonstrate and disseminate strategies to break the cycle of poverty by promoting healthy youth development and participation in socially and economically vibrant communities."
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Under the umbrella of its Program on Global Security and Sustainability, the Chicago-based MacArthur Foundation recognizes the critical importance of three specific global issues: international peace and security, ecosystems conservation and policy, and population. A fourth area, Global Challenges, focuses on human rights, the consequences of economic globalization, and the role of the United States in addressing these issues. The foundation also makes grants to individuals and organizations and institutions in the countries of the former Soviet Union through its Initiative in the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union, elements of which are currently under review.
McKnight Foundation
The Minneapolis-based McKnight Foundation's international grantmaking seeks "to empower those who have been limited in the past by a lack of opportunities for self-sufficiency and to help organizations develop skills and techniques to prevent conflicts or resolve them peacefully." The foundation makes grants in six countries outside the U.S. — three in Africa (Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe) and three in Southeast Asia (Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia).
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
The international grantmaking of the Michigan-based Mott Foundation (representing about 20 percent of its overall grantmaking) is concentrated in two main areas: Civil Society and the Environment. In addition to strengthening the fabric of civil society in the United States, Mott's Civil Society program seeks "to develop and sustain civil society in two regions of the world in transition from repression to democracy" — Central/Eastern Europe and Russia, and South Africa. The foundation's Environment program has three funding priorities: reform of international finance and trade, conservation of freshwater ecosystems in North America, and special initiatives in response to unique opportunities to advance environmental protection in the U.S. and internationally.
Open Society Institute
Devoted to promoting the development of "open societies" around the world, the George Soros-funded Open Society Institute supports more than 30 autonomous national foundations, located primarily in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, as well as a range of other initiatives of global significance. These include initiatives in Belarus, a landmines project, projects in Burma and Central Eurasia, and a project dedicated to ending racial discrimination against Romani (Gypsy) populations in Central and Eastern Europe. The organization has a great Web site, too.
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Created in 1964 by Silicon Valley legend David Packard and his wife Lucile, the Packard Foundation provides international grants primarily through its programs in the areas of conservation (with a primary geographic focus on California, Cascadia, Hawaii, the Western Pacific, and Mexico) and population (with the foundation's international work focused in Ethiopia, India, Mexico, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Sudan).
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Provides support to efforts in the U.S. and abroad that contribute ideas, develop leaders, and encourage institutions in the transition to global interdependence and that counter world trends of resource depletion, conflict, protectionism, and isolation which now threaten to move humankind everywhere further away from cooperation, equitable trade and economic development, stability, and conservation. There are seven major giving categories: 1) One World, with two major components: Sustainable Resource Use and Global Security including issues related to international relations, development, trade, and finance; 2) New York City; 3) Nonprofit Sector; 4) Education; 5) South Africa; 6) Arts and Culture; and 7) Health.
Rockefeller Foundation
The Rockefeller foundation is a knowledge-based, global foundation with a commitment to enrich and sustain the lives and livelihoods of poor and excluded people throughout the world. The foundation's mission is carried out through integrated programs in food, health, work, and creative expression to employ tools of science, research, analysis, and local knowledge to address daily challenges of globe's poorest; and renewed effort to catalyze positive change through partnerships. Funding is focused among four themes: creativity and culture, food security, health equity, working communities; and the cross theme: global inclusion.
United Nations Foundation
The Ted Turner-funded United Nations Foundation seeks to support the goals and objectives of the United Nations and its charter in order to promote a more peaceful, prosperous, and just world, with a special emphasis on the UN's work on behalf of economic, social, environmental, and humanitarian causes. The foundation is currently focusing on four of the most pressing challenges facing the world in the 21st century: children's health; the environment; women and population; and peace, security and human rights. UNF does not accept unsolicited proposals, but works instead in colloraboration with the UN and its agencies to support a variety of causes and activities.
Ford Foundation Fellowship Program
The Ford Foundation's International Fellowships Program provides opportunities for advanced study to exceptional individuals who will use the education to become leaders in their respective fields, furthering development in their own countries and greater economic and social justice worldwide. The program provides support for up to three years of formal graduate-level study. Fellows will be selected from countries in Africa and the Middle East, Asia, Latin America, and Russia where the foundation maintains active overseas programs. U.S. nationals are not eligible, although Fellows may study in the United States. For a more complete description, visit the RFP Bulletin in Philanthropy News Digest ( or the Ford Foundation Web site.
International Research & Exchanges Board
The International Research & Exchanges Board offers grant opportunities to scholars and professionals from Central and Eastern Europe, the Newly Independent States, and the United States. Grant programs include Black and Caspian Sea Collaborative Research Program Grants; Contemporary Issues Fellowships; Russian-U.S. Young Leadership Fellows for Public Service; John J. and Nancy Lee Roberts Fellowship Program; Individual Advanced Research Opportunities Grants; the Russian-U.S. Young Leadership Fellows for Public Service Program; the Mongolian Language Training Program; the Mongolia Research Fellowship Program; the ECA Alumni Small Grants Program; and Short-Term Travel Grants. For a more complete description, visit the RFP Bulletin in Philanthropy News Digest ( or the IREX Web site.
MacArthur Foundation's Global Security and Sustainability Program
The MacArthur Foundation's Program on Global Security and Sustainability encourages examination of issues of conflict and cooperation within and among nations. The program's work is organized around six areas of interest: arms reduction and security policy, ecosystems conservation, population, concepts of security and sustainability, new partnerships and institutions, and United States interests and responsibilities. For a more complete description, visit the RFP Bulletin in Philanthropy News Digest ( or the foundation's Web site.
The United States-Japan Foundation
The United States-Japan Foundation supports a variety of policy-related studies, initiatives and exchanges in pursuit of its mission"to promote stronger ties between the United States and Japan through greater mutual knowledge and understanding, to increase broad awareness of important policy issues, and to address common concerns in the Asia-Pacific region through the US-Japan perspective." The foundation's areas of interest include managing economic globalization, understanding institutions, and national interest/foreign policy. Applicants should submit a pre-proposal letter of inquiry of two to three pages. Letters of inquiry are accepted on a rolling basis, and the USJF board meets twice a year (April and October) to make its funding decisions. Visit the foundation's Web site for program guidelines.
New Canaan, Connecticut-based AmeriCares solicits donations of medicines, medical supplies, and other relief materials from U.S. companies and delivers them to victims of natural disasters, famine, and war in more than 130 countries around the world. In addition to news and information about the organization, the AmeriCares Web site provides guidelines for product donations and a secure online donation area for individuals.
Action Against Hunger-USA
Action Against Hunger-USA, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit incorporated in New York State, is part of an international non-denominational humanitarian network created in 1979 in response to refugee crises in Pakistan, Uganda, and Cambodia. Today, the network operates in some 40 countries worldwide and strives to bring self-sufficiency and long-term benefits to displaced or refugee populations by integrating nutrition, water and sanitation, food security, and health programs into a comprehensive package. The iste includes news, research, relevant links, and an online donation area.
Formed in the aftermath of World War II to send emergency packages of food, clothing, and medicine to Europe and Asia, CARE today has operations in more than 60 countries in Latin America, Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, and the former Soviet Union, and serves individuals and families in the poorest communities by strengthening their capacity for self-help; providing economic opportunity; delivering relief in emergencies; influencing policy decisions at all levels; and addressing discrimination in all its forms. The Web site offers lots of background on the organization, including its most recent annual report and 990 form, as well as a secure online donation area.
Direct Relief International
Direct Relief International, a nonprofit medical assistance organization based in Santa Barbara, California, delivers shipments of medical supplies and equipment to hospitals, clinics, and health projects in countries that have been ravaged by civil unrest, natural disasters, and/or chronic poverty. The site offers news updates and a news archive, as well as a secure online donation area.
Doctors of the World-USA
Doctors of the World-USA, the U.S. affiliate of the French medical relief organization, Médecins du Monde, works to provide medical assistance to the world's most vulnerable populations. The organization has deployed volunteers to more than 20 countries around the world, and it is currently supporting efforts in Kosovo, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, and Vietnam, as well as the U.S. The site offers news, information about long-term volunteer opportunities for U.S. health professionals, a calendar of events, and a secure online donation area.
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières
Founded in 1971 by a group of French doctors, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières delivers emergency medical aid to victims of armed conflict, epidemics, and natural and man-made disasters while bearing witness and speaking out against the underlying causes of their suffering. The Web site provides information about the organization, news reports from the field, online versions of recent public awareness events staged by the organization, and a secure online donation area.
GeoHazards International
GeoHazards International was established in 1993 to reduce death and injury caused by earthquakes in the world's most vulnerable communities. It works to accomplish these objectives by helping vulnerable communities recognize their risks as well as the methods to manage them. The site provides information on the organization and current projects, a press room, a members-only area, and a secure online donation form.
Relief International
Los Angeles-based Relief International provides emergency, rehabilitation, and development project services to vulnerable populations, particularly women and children, as well as victims of natural disasters, civil conflicts, and the poor worldwide. Information about the organization's programs, past and present, in Afghanistan, Albania, Azerbaijan, Burundi, Chechyna, Iran, Kosovo, Nicaragua, Rwanda, Tajikstan, Turkey and Vietnam is available at its Web site, along with information about current job opportunities, reports from the field, and a secure online donation area.
ReliefWeb, a project of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, is a global online clearinghouse of information on natural disasters and complex emergencies.
Adventist Development and Relief Agency International
Formed in 1984, ADRA is the worldwide humanitarian arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Established for the specific purpose of helping individuals and communities in need through development and disaster relief efforts, ADRA fulfills this mission without regard to race, gender, political or religious affiliation. The organization's Web site provides information about the organization, news reports from the field, and a secure online donation area.
American Friends Service Committee
AFSC is a Quaker organization that includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace, and humanitarian service. The organization's programs focus on issues related to economic justice, peace-building and demilitarization, social justice, and youth in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East as well as the U.S. Lots of information about the organization at its Web site, along with jobs and volunteering opportunities, links to related resources, and a secure online donation page.
Catholic Medical Mission Board
Founded in 1928, the Catholic Medical Mission Board partners with non-governmental organizations abroad to acquire and transport medicine and health-care supplies to the needy in developing countries around the world. In addition, the organization recruits licensed health-care professionals for short- and long-term placements in clinical facilities overseas, provides emergency relief, and supports ongoing health-care projects around the world. The CMMB Web site offers information about the organization; excerpts from its quarterly magazine, "Medical Mission News"; an "Urgent Needs" area; and a secure online donations area.
Catholic Relief Services
Catholic Relief Services was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and disadvantaged outside the United States. The policies and programs of the agency reflect and express the teaching of the Catholic Church. At the same time, Catholic Relief Services assists persons on the basis of need, not creed, race or nationality.
Christian Children's Fund
For 60 years, CCF has worked to create an environment of hope and respect for needy children of all cultures and beliefs. The fund currently assists more than 2.5 million children in some 30 countries by providing them with access to safe water, nutritious food, medical care, and an education. The CCF Web site provides lots of information about the organization, in-depth reports by child development experts on half a dozen critical topics, updates from the field, and a secure online donation page.
Global Jewish Assistance and Relief Network
GJARN works to provide nonsectarian humanitarian assistance and medical relief throughout the Newly Independent States of the Former Soviet Union, with a primary focus on Russia and Ukraine. (The organization also runs programs in Israel and New York.) The organization's programs, which are based on the principles of helping people directly, developing a grassroots infrastructure, and creating long-term solutions that enable people to become self-sufficient, provide immediate relief with food, clothing, and pharmaceuticals; improve primary medical care and health conditions; and promote the development of civil society.
Lutheran World Relief
Lutheran World Relief works in overseas development and humanitarian relief on behalf of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod. The organization is currently involved in several emergency relief efforts, including those benefitting survivors of the earthquakes in India/Pakistan and El Salvador. The LWR Web site, which is under construction, provides basic information about the organization, a newsroom, and a secure online donation area.
United Nations
A coalition of 189 member states committed to preserving peace through international cooperation and collective security, the United Nations has more than 30 affiliate organizations, known collectively as the UN system, working to promote respect for human rights, protect the environment, fight disease, foster development and reduce poverty around the world. The UN Web site is organized into five main areas - Peace & Security, Economic & Social Development, Human Rights, Humanitarian Affairs, and International Law - with each serving as an information-rich resource for NGOs, researchers, policy makers, and others.
World Health Organization
The mission of WHO is to help all peoples attain the highest possible level of health (defined in the agency's constitution as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity"). The agency acts as a coordinating authority on international health issues and works to promote international cooperation, biomedical research, improved standards of training and teaching, and the prevention and control of epidemic, endemic and other diseases.
United Nations Children's Fund
UNICEF is mandated by the UN General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. The agency pursues this work in 161 countries, areas, and territories through a variety of activities, including programs devoted to early childhood and adolescent development, education, gender participation, nutrition, and water sanitation. The UNICEF Web site offers a variety of information resources, links to related sites and resources, and an online donation area.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Headquartered in Paris, UNESCO works "to contribute to peace and security in the world by promoting collaboration among nations through education, science, culture and communication…" Its principal activities involve research, the dissemination and sharing of knowledge and expertise, and the creation of standards.
United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
The UN Programme on HIV/AIDS, or UNAIDS, serves as a clearinghouse for global action on the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The agency's activities include strengthening and supporting an expanded response aimed at preventing the transmission of HIV, providing care and support to HIV-infected individuals, reducing the vulnerability of individuals and communities to the virus, and alleviating the socio-economic impact of the epidemic.
World Food Programme
WFP is the UN agency on the frontlines of the battle to fight, and eliminate, hunger and malnutrition worldwide. The agency operates emergency and development projects in 82 countries and has a staff of more than 5,000, over half of whom are employed on a temporary basis. The WFP Web site provides news and alerts from the field, information on its activities on a country-by-country basis, statistics on global food aid and procurement, and reports on project food needs and shortfalls.
Owned and supported by grower-owned, supply and processing cooperatives and farm credit banks in the U.S., Washington, D.C.-based ACDI/VOCA identifies and creates economic opportunities for farmers and entrepreneurs, promotes democracy and market liberalization, builds international cooperative partnerships, and encourages sound natural resource management in Africa, Asia, Southeast Asia, Latin America, and the countries of the former Soviet Union.
Ashoka Arlington, Virginia-based Ashoka searches the world for the best new ideas, championed by the most capable, innovative social entrepreneurs and invests in them financially and professionally by selecting them to be Ashoka Fellows. The organization currently has fellows in Africa, Asia, Central Europe, Latin America, the U.S., and Canada working in a range of fields, including learning/education, environment, health, human rights, economic development, and civic participation. The Ashoka site offers information on selection procedures, a link to (one of its initiatives), job and volunteer opportunities, and an online donation form.
Foundation for International Community Assistance International
A pioneer in the field of microcredit lending, FINCA provides loans of $50-$1,000 to impoverished individuals in developing countries (and the U.S. and Canada). The FINCA site offers a detailed history of the organization, statistical breakdowns of its activities by country, and a link to, where you can make a donation to support its activities.
Founded in 1971 with funding from the Unites States Agency for International Development, Pact works in Asia, Africa, and Latin America to build strong communities that provide people with an opportunity to earn a dignified living, raise healthy families, and participate in democratic life. It does this does this by strengthening the capacity of grassroots organizations, coalitions and networks and by forging linkages among government, business, and the citizen sectors through training, technical assistance, mentoring, and direct financial support.
Trickle Up Program
Based in New York City, Trickle Up encourages poor people (with special outreach to women, youth and other disadvantaged groups) in Africa, Asia, and the Americas to start their own businesses by providing seed capital and teaching them basic business skills. The Trickle Up Web site includes success stories from the field, copies of its recent annual reports and financial statements, back issues of its online newsletter, and an online donation area.
United Way International
United Way International works "to strengthen communities around the world by mobilizing local leaders to organize professionally managed charitable efforts that identify and sustain local human needs." The organization funds a wide range of local programs in some 40 countries, including Belarus, Brazil, China, Ecuador, Guatemala, Indonesia, Jamaica, Jordan, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia, Venezuela, and the Philippines.
United States Agency for International Development
Created by President John F. Kennedy in 1961, USAID has been the principal U.S. agency to extend assistance to countries recovering from disaster, trying to escape poverty, and engaging in democratic reforms.
Cross Cultural Solutions
A nonprofit, public benefit organization, U.S.-based Cross-Cultural Solutions sends volunteers abroad to help empower local communities, foster cultural sensitivity and understanding, and contribute grass-roots solutions to the global challenges of providing health care, education, and social development. Funded entirely by fees and donations, the organization currently operates programs in China, Ghana, Peru, and Russia.
GeekCorps is committed to bridging the digital divide internationally by pairing skilled volunteers from the high-tech world with small businesses in emerging nations. Volunteers spend three months on-site, where they spend their working hours helping partner businesses and their free time exploring their host country. The organization's presence is limited to the West African nation of Ghana for now, but it plans to expand the program to two more countries in the near future. Applications available online.
Global Service Corps
GSC provides cross-cultural learning and community service adventures for adults - either short-term (two to four weeks) or long-term (two to six months) -- in Costa Rica, Kenya, and Thailand. The organization also offers student internship programs. Application forms available online.
Health Volunteers Overseas
Health Volunteers Overseas, a private, nonsectarian volunteer organization headquartered in the U.S., is dedicated to improving the availability and quality of health care in developing countries through training and education. HVO currently operates programs in more than 40 countries in the following specialties: anesthesia, nurse anesthesia, dentistry, internal medicine, oral surgery, orthopaedics, pediatrics, and physical therapy.
A project of Actions Without Borders, the Idealist site provides an extensive listing of both national and international volunteer opportunities, jobs in the nonprofit sector, and a searchable database of nonprofit organizations worldwide.
International Volunteer Programs Association
IVPA, an alliance of nonprofit and non-governmental organizations based in the Americas that are involved in international volunteer and internship exchanges, offers an online listing of international volunteer opportunities searchable by region, country, type of work, and project duration.
Created by President John F. Kennedy in 1961, the Peace Corps enlists volunteers to work in countries around the world, where they help bring clean water to communities; improve access to, and the quality of, education for children; and contribute to the fight against of AIDS. At the same time, Peace Corps volunteers help promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the peoples served, as well as a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans. Applications available online.
Visions in Action
Visions in Action offers six- and twelve-month volunteer opportunities in five African countries and Mexico. Positions are available with nonprofit development organizations, research institutes, health clinics, community groups, and news organizations, with most available on a continuous basis.
Volunteers in Technical Assistance
VITA works to empower the poor in Benin, Guinea, Mali, Moldova, Morocco, and Ukraine by providing access to information and knowledge, strengthening local institutions and introducing improved technologies. The organization's particular focus is on support to entrepreneurs in the private, public, and community sectors, and on facilitating connectivity and technical information exchange between and among individuals and organizations.
Founded in 1971, Africare's self-help programs assist Africans in the broad areas of food, water, the environment, health, private-sector development, governance, and emergency humanitarian aid.
Africa Fund
Reaching out to local religious leaders, community and labor leaders, as well as state and municipal officials and their constituencies, the Africa Fund works to support human rights, democracy, and economic development on the continent.
Africa Policy Information Center, Inc.
APIC provides information about and analysis of events in Africa in order to promote U.S. and international policies that advance economic, political and social justice, and the full spectrum of human rights on the continent.
African Medical and Research Foundation
Founded in 1952, AMRF is committed to empowering the disadvantaged people of Africa. The organization works in close partnership with local communities, government ministries of health, UN agencies, other NGOs to develop locally appropriate models for improving health, to contribute to capacity building at all levels, and to develop an enabling environment for health improvement.
African Services Committee
ASC was founded in 1981 by a group of refugees to provide relief and assistance for diverse ethnic immigrant and refugee groups in need of food, shelter, clothing, medical care, legal services, housing, and employment.
African Wildlife Foundation
An international NGO with offices in Washington, D.C., and Nairobi, Kenya, AWF is dedicated to wildlife conservation in Africa. The organization's core initiative, the Heartlands Program, is dedicated to expanding the area available to wildlife, connecting fragmented wild lands, and helping rural people derive an income from their wildlife resources.
Books for Africa
Founded in 1988, Minnesota-based Books for America collects, sorts, ships, and distributes books to the children of Africa in partnership with Rotary Clubs, YMCAs, churches, schools, and various community groups.
Corporate Council on Africa
Established in 1992, the D.C.-based Corporate Council on Africa is a nonprofit membership organization of more than 170 American corporations dedicated to strengthening and facilitating the commercial relationship between the American and African private sectors.
Global Alliance for Africa
The Chicago-based Global Alliance for Africa works in concert with local and international partners to bring medical care to those regions of Africa most in need of help.
South Africa Development Fund
Founded in 1985 by South African exiles living in the U.S., SADF is a public charitable foundation that works in partnership with community-based organizations to provide financial and technical support to communities disadvantaged by decades of apartheid policies.
Center for Social and Economic Research
The Center for Social and Economic Research, an independent, nonprofit research institution headquartered in Warsaw, provides independent intellectual support for the functioning democracies of Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States of the former Soviet Union.
Centre for Research into Communist Economies
Founded in 1983, London-based CRCE conducts research into the problems of communist economies and economies making the transition from communism to democracy and a market economy. Much of the organization's work relates to Central and Eastern Europe.
Civic Education Project
CEP, a nonprofit organization of educators and professionals, is dedicated educational reform and the development of market-based economies and democratic political systems in Central-Eastern Europe and Eurasia. To that end, the organization operates fellowship programs in 24 countries across Central, Eastern, and Southern Europe; the Newly Independent States; Russia; the Caucasus; and Central Asia.
Institute for East-West Studies
The Institute for East-West Studies works to defuse tensions and conflicts that threaten geopolitical stability in Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, and other Eurasian countries as those countries move toward democracy, free enterprise, and prosperity.
Microfinance Centre
The mission of the Microfinance Center is to support existing and future microfinance institutions in Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States of the former Soviet Union in their efforts to alleviate poverty, create employment, and privatize the economy through the development of microenterprises and self-employment initiatives.
Network of East-West Women
NEWW is dedicated to empowering women and girls in Central and Eastern Europe, the Newly Independent States, and the Russian Federation through dialogue, networking, campaigns, and educational and informational exchanges.
Project on Ethnic Relations
The Project on Ethnic Relations is dedicated to preventing ethnic conflict in Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and the former Soviet Union. To that end, PER conducts high-level intervention programs and serves as a neutral mediator in major disputes in the region. The organization also conducts training and education programs at the international, national, and community levels.
Wladyslaw Poniecki Foundation
Founded in 1990, the California-based Wladyslaw Poniecki Foundation works to enhance the educational infrastructure in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, especially those making the transition from a command to a free-market economy, through the use of information technologies and educational exchange activities.
European Anti-Poverty Network
EAPN, a coalition of 15 national networks and 25 NGOs, works to promote and enhance the effectiveness of actions against poverty and social exclusion in the member states of the European Union, and to lobby for and with people and groups facing poverty and social exclusion.
German Foundation Index
The German Foundation Index, a comprehensive online resource devoted to German foundations and philanthropy, offers links to more than 150 German foundations Web sites, a large number of references to international grantmakers, a German-language bibliographic database, and advice for grantseekers.
Institute for Human Sciences
The Vienna-based Institute for Human Sciences was established to facilitate the discussion of ideas, experiences, and projects by academics and intellectuals from Eastern and Western Europe. IHS regularly organizes conferences, workshops, and seminars for this purpose and also stages public lectures and panel discussions to make its research available to a wider audience.
ACCION International Tucson-based ACCION International is dedicated to fighting poverty and bringing financial services to poor but enterprising businessmen and women -- street vendors, seamstresses, sandal makers - through the practice of microlending. In addition to its programs in a number of U.S. states, the organization operates a Latin American network of 18 microlending institutions that serves 450,000 clients in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, and Venezuela.
Americas Society
The New York City-based Americas Society is dedicated to fostering an understanding of the contemporary political, social, and economic issues confronting Latin America, the Caribbean, and Canada. The society strives to achieve this goal through a variety of programs focused on public policy and cultural affairs.
Amigos de las Américas
Houston-based Amigos de las Américas, an international, voluntary, not-for-profit organization, provides leadership development opportunities for young people; promotes community health in Latin America; and facilitates cross-cultural understanding for the people of the Americas.
Friends of the Americas
Friends of the Americas provides medical care, relief supplies, disaster assistance, education, and economic development assistance to Latin American and Caribbean children and other individuals who have been displaced by war, natural disasters, or economic disruption.
Institute of the Americas
Founded in 1984 at the University of California, San Diego, the Institute of the Americas works to encourage economic and social reform in the Americas, to enhance private sector collaboration and communications, and to strengthen political and economic relations between the countries of Latin America, the U.S., and Canada.
Intercultural Center for Research and Education
Massachusetts-based INCRE is dedicated to research and technical assistance that promotes quality and equity of education in the U.S., Latin America, and the Caribbean; and to projects that combine humanistic education, science and technical education, and education for the preservation of the environment.
Pan American Development Foundation
Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the Pan American Development Foundation strives to improve the quality of life in Latin America and the Caribbean by providing health care, vocational training, agro-forestry, soil conservation, and relief programs to poor citizens of the member nations of the Organization of American States.
Partners of the Americas
A network of citizens from Latin America, the Caribbean, and the United States who volunteer to work together to improve the lives of people across the region through nonpolitical, community-based activities.
Resource Center for the Americas
Founded in 1983, the Resource Center of the Americas provides information and develops programs that demonstrate the connections between the people of Latin America, the Caribbean, and the United States.
Abraham Fund
Headquartered in New York City and Jerusalem, the Abraham Fund works to foster increased dialogue, tolerance, and understanding between the Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel through advocacy and awareness campaigns and by sponsoring coexistence projects.
American Near East Refugee Aid
D.C.-based ANERA's mission is to reduce poverty and relieve suffering in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Lebanon, thereby improving the lives of all people in the Middle East. The organization coordinates health, education, and economic development projects in cooperation with local institutions and also provides humanitarian aid and relief to Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.
Economic Research Forum for the Arab Countries, Iran and Turkey
ERF, an independent regional network of economists, policy makers, and businesspeople, initiates, funds, and facilitates policy-relevant economic research on the Arab Region, Turkey and Iran.
Foundation for Middle East Peace
Established in 1979, the D.C.-based Foundation for Middle East Peace works to promote a just solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that brings peace and security to both peoples. In addition to its role as an information clearinghouse, FMEP awards grants to organizations and projects that contribute significantly to a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Middle East Media and Research Institute
An independent, U.S.-based nonprofit that provides translations of stories in the Arab media as well as original analysis and research on developments in the Middle East.
Middle East Policy Council
Founded in 1981 to expand public discussion and understanding of issues affecting U.S. policy in the Middle East.
Middle East Research and Information Project
D.C.-based MERIP provides news and perspectives about the Middle East not available from mainstream media outlets.
Near East Foundation
A private, nonprofit development agency established in 1915, NEF works directly and through local institutions to help people in the Middle East and Africa build better lives for themselves and their communities. It does this by helping communities articulate their needs, determine priorities, and access resources; by providing its own funding and store of knowledge and expertise; and by recruiting nearly all of its staff from the countries served, creating a strong legacy of grassroots involvement for the future.
Amrita International Medical Services Project
The AIMS Project, a California-based nonprofit public benefit corporation, provides grants to charitable organizations in developing countries, with a focus on India, for the construction, development, and operation of medical facilities for the poor.
Asha for Education
Founded in 1991 by a group of Indian students at the University of California-Berkeley, Asha for Education works to bring about socio-economic change in India. To that end, the organization focuses on basic education in the belief that education is a critical requisite for change in the 21st century.
Asia Foundation
The Asia Foundation, a grantmaking public charity, collaborates with partners from the public and private sectors to help foster greater openness and shared prosperity in the Asia Pacific region and advance the mutual interests of the United States and regional partners. The foundation's priorities include effective law, governance, and citizenship; open regional markets and local economic opportunities; equal partnership and participation of women in all levels of society; and peace and stability within the region.
Asia Pacific Center for Justice & Peace
APCJP works to promote the realization of the full range of rights -- including economic justice, political freedom, and genuine security -- for the peoples of Asia and the Pacific.
Asia Society
Founded in 1956 by John D. Rockefeller III, the Asia Society builds awareness of the more than thirty countries broadly defined as the Asia Pacific region through a range of programs, including major art exhibitions, performances, international corporate conferences, and policy programs.
Bridge to Asia Foundation
Bridge to Asia, a San Francisco-based nonprofit, supports education and research in developing countries in Asia through the donation of books and journals to universities, research services, and the development of in-country libraries and computer networks.
Concern India Foundation
The Concern India Foundation, a nonprofit, public charitable trust, supports development-oriented organizations working on the subcontinent in the areas of education, health, community development, and the environment.
Darunee Fund
The Michigan-based Darunee Fund (formerly the Asiamerica Foundation) was founded in 1995 to work with the Minsai Center in Tokyo and the Education for Development Foundation in Bangkok, Thailand, and Vientiane, Laos, to provide educational opportunities and scholarships for young girls and boys in rural areas.
India Abroad Foundation
A nonprofit, charitable organization based in New York, the India Abroad Foundation raises money from non-resident Indians and channels charitable contributions to Indian NGOs working in the fields of education, relief, research, medicine, and rural development.
National Bureau of Asian Research
Founded in 1989 with a major grant from the Henry M. Jackson Foundation, the Seattle-based National Bureau of Asian Research conducts advanced research on policy-relevant issues affecting Asia.
Tibet Fund
Founded in 1981, the Tibet Fund's primary mission is the preservation of the distinct cultural, religious, and national identity of the Tibetan people. To that end, the fund administers grants and supports projects that support and strengthen the Tibetan refugee community in India and Nepal; offers scholarships and cultural exchange programs to Tibetan students; supports health, education, and small economic development projects inside Tibet as well as projects to preserve Tibet's unique culture and arts; coordinates international humanitarian and educational assistance efforts; and fosters the growth of other organizations designed to address the identified needs of the Tibetan people.
Newly Independent States of the Former Soviet Union
Central and East European Law Initiative
CEELI, a public service project of the American Bar Association, advances the rule of law worldwide by supporting the legal reform process in Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States of the former Soviet Union.
East-West Management Institute
Founded in 1988 by financier and philanthropist George Soros, the East-West Management Institute promotes economic reform in developing and transition economies by providing technical assistance in such areas as legal and regulatory reform, privatization, enterprise restructuring, capital markets development, and making grants to non-governmental organizations.
EcoLinks, an initiative of the U.S. Agency for International Development, seeks practical, market-based solutions to industrial and urban environmental problems in Central and Eastern Europe and the states of the former Soviet Union. The program links local businesses, governments, and associations with U.S. businesses and organizations in order to improve their ability to identify and remedy environmental problems and adapt the best environmental management practices and technologies available to those problems.
Eurasia Foundation
The D.C.-based Eurasia Foundation promotes the advancement of democratic institutions and private enterprise in twelve Newly Independent States (NIS) of the former Soviet Union. The foundation works to achieve its goals by making grant to host country organizations and individuals, as well as grants to American and other organizations working with partners in host countries; and by initiating and managing its own projects.
Initiative for Social Action and Renewal
ISAR promotes citizen participation and the development of the non-governmental sector in the Newly Independent States of the former Soviet Union by supporting citizen activists and grassroots non-governmental organizations in their efforts to create just and sustainable societies. The organization has field offices in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia, as well as Washington, D.C.
International Research & Exchanges Board
Through academic research, professional training, institution building, technical assistance, and policy programs, IREX, a U.S.-based nonprofit organization committed to international education in its broadest sense, promotes better understanding and cooperation between the peoples of the United States and the countries of Eastern Europe, the Newly Independent States, Asia, and the Near East.
U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation
A nonprofit charitable organization created by the U.S. Government in 1995 to promote scientific and technical collaboration between the U.S. and the countries of the former Soviet Union.
Arts International
New York City-based Arts International promotes and supports global connections and interchange in the visual and performing arts and develops programs and projects intended to educate and inform audiences and the public about the richness and diversity of cultural production worldwide. AI offers information about a variety of funding and regranting opportunities at its Web site, including FACE Croatia and Artists at Giverny.
CEC International Partners
New York-based CEC International Partners works to build the capability of Americans and the people of Russia, the Newly Independent States, and Central and Eastern Europe countries to pursue common goals and achieve positive change. Working with artists, art managers, and museums, CECIP helps individuals and organizations to address and collaborate on issues of mutual concern.
Foundation for International Arts and Education
The Foundation for International Arts and Education, in Bethesda, Maryland, was created to help protect and preserve the historical and cultural legacy of the countries of the former Soviet Union. To that end, the foundation organizes and manages art exhibitions at venues throughout the U.S., a portion of the proceeds from which go to foreign lending museums in order to directly contribute to the preservation of priceless world treasures.
International Society for the Performing Arts
An international membership organization of executives and directors, artists' managers, government cultural officials, and others with a professional involvement in the performing arts.
Japan Foundation — U.S. Arts Programs
The Japan Foundation, a semi-governmental organization whose objective is to promote international cultural exchange and mutual understanding between Japan and other countries, provides artists and specialists in the arts with the opportunity to pursue creative projects and conduct joint research in Japan. Support is also provided to produce films that promote further understanding of Japan and to bring Japanese fine arts exhibitions and performing arts troupes to the U.S.
U.S. Mexico Fund for Culture
A joint project of Mexico's National Fund for Culture and the Arts, the Bancomer Cultural Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation, the U.S. Mexico Fund for Culture supports cultural exchange projects between Mexico and the United States.
Alliance for International and Cultural Exchange
The mission of AICE, a D.C.-based association of nonprofit organizations comprising the international educational and cultural exchange community in the U.S., is to formulate and promote public policies that support the growth and well-being of international exchange links between the people of the U.S. and other nations.
American Councils for International Education
A nonprofit organization that specializes in education, training, and consulting, with a focus on the countries of Eastern Europe, Russia, and Eurasia. The organization's programs include academic exchange, professional training, institution building, research, materials development, and technical assistance. The site includes information about grant and fellowship opportunities for both U.S. and NIS citizens.
Institute of International Education
New York City-based IIE forges partnerships between the public and private sectors to design and implement international programs and to provide technical assistance in all countries and all fields. The organization administers 240 programs — including the prestigious Fulbright fellowships — through which almost 18,000 men and women from 170 nations benefit annually and provides statistical and policy research on international study to students and prospective students, educators, government officials, and business leaders worldwide.
International Reading Association
IRA, a professional membership organization with members and affiliates in 99 countries, is dedicated to promoting high levels of literacy for all by improving the quality of reading instruction, disseminating research and information about reading, and encouraging the lifetime reading habit. The organization's Web site includes a nice listing of grant opportunities.
International Research & Exchanges Board
IREX, a U.S.-based nonprofit committed to international education in its broadest sense, works to facilitate and provide academic research, professional training, institution building, technical assistance, and policy programs between the United States and the countries of Eastern Europe, the Newly Independent States of the former Soviet Union, Asia, and the Near East. The site also features a helpful listing of international grant and fellowship opportunities.
International Student Exchange Program
A membership organization of more than 200 higher education institutions in the U.S. and thirty-five other countries that are committed to international exchange. The site offers a helpful listing of employment, scholarship, and summer internship opportunities.
International Education Financial Aid
IEFA bills itself as "the premier Internet resource for financial aid information for international students wishing to study in a foreign country." The site offers a database of scholarship opportunities, an active message board, and links to other useful sites.
A nonprofit, non-governmental organization based at the Center for International Development at Harvard University, WorldTeach provides opportunities for individuals to contribute to international education by living and working as volunteer teachers in developing countries.
Worldwide Classroom
An international consortia that provides information about 10,000 schools in 109 countries. Site features include a program directory organized by country, a travel planner, and information on issues related to culture, language, and current events.
Conservation International
Conservation International's mission is to conserve the planet's biodiversity and to demonstrate that human societies are able to live harmoniously with nature. CI works with multinational institutions, national leaders, businesses, and local communities to promote awareness about the world's endangered biodiversity through scientific programs, local awareness campaigns, and economic initiatives. Created in 1999, the organization's Conservation Enterprise Fund provides debt and equity financing of $25,000 to $250,000 to small and medium-sized enterprises ($5 million or less in assets) that are strategically important to conservation.
Friends of the Earth
D.C.-based Friends of the Earth, the largest international environmental network in the world, works to preserve the health and diversity of the planet for future generations through its programs in corporate accountability, economic development, international trade and finance, and community health.
Globe Program
An international network of students, teachers, and scientists from more than 10,000 schools in 95 countries working to study and understand the global environment.
Greenpeace International
An environmental protection advocacy group with offices worldwide.
National Audubon Society
The mission of the National Audubon Society is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, with a focus on birds and other wildlife, for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity. Founded in 1905, the Society has more than 500,000 chapters in the Americas. Current initiatives include the Living Oceans campaign and the Population and Habitat Program.
Nature Conservancy
As the world's leading private, international conservation group, the Nature Conservancy works to preserve habitats and species by saving the lands and waters they need to survive. Through programs in more than two dozen countries, the organization has protected some 80 million acres around the globe.
Rainforest Action Network
Since it was founded in 1985, Rainforest Action Network has been working to protect tropical rainforests and the human rights of those living in and around those forests. From the beginning, the Network has played a key role in strengthening the worldwide rainforest conservation movement through supporting activists in tropical countries as well as organizing and mobilizing consumers and community action groups throughout the United States.
Rural Advancement Foundation International
Canada-based RAFI is an international non-governmental organization dedicated to the conservation and sustainable improvement of agricultural biodiversity and the socially responsible development of technologies useful to rural societies. RAFI is concerned about the loss of genetic diversity — especially in agriculture — and about the impact of intellectual property on agriculture and world food security.
United Nations Environment Programme
UNEP's mission is to provide leadership and encourage partnerships in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations.
World Resource Institute
The mission of the World Resources Institute is "to move human society to live in ways that protect Earth's environment for current and future generations." To that end, WRI works to reverse the rapid degradation of ecosystems, halt the changes to the Earth's climate caused by human activity, catalyze the adoption of policies and practices that expand prosperity while reducing the use of materials and generation of wastes, and guarantee people's access to information and decisions regarding natural resources and environment.
World Wildlife Foundation International
Since its founding in 1961, the World Wildlife Foundation's goal has been to stop, and eventually reverse, the accelerating degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. With offices in more than 35 countries, WWF works to achieve this goal through by promoting the preservation of genetic, species, and ecosystem diversity; ensuring that the use of natural resources is sustainable both now and in the longer term; and encouraging action to reduce pollution and wasteful consumption.
Amnesty International
The well-known human rights organization's activities range from public demonstrations and letter-writing campaigns, to human rights education and individual appeals. The AI Web site, which is offered in French, Spanish, and Arabic as well as English, offers a library of reports organized by country and campaign, action alerts, and links to relevant web sites, including AI Web sites in other countries.
Anti-Slaver International
Founded in 1839, London-based Anti-Slavery International still pursues the specific objective for which it was founded: to end slavery around the world.
Child Rights Information Network
The Child Rights Information Network disseminates information about the Convention on the Rights of the Child and children's rights among non-governmental organizations, United Nations agencies, inter-governmental organizations, educational institutions, and other organizations and individuals with an interest in children's rights.
Washington, D.C.-based Civicus, an international alliance dedicated to strengthening citizen action and civil society around the world, works, in partnership with its members, to strengthen the visibility and understanding of civil society; develop a more supportive environment of laws, policies, and regulations, as well as permanent, self-sustaining, and creative resource mechanisms; and facilitate and establish cross-sectorial dialogue, exchange information, develop a common understanding and shared identity, solidarity, cooperation, and communication within civil society from various regions, and promote a common vision about the role of civil society.
Committee to Protect Journalists
The nonprofit, non-partisan Committee to Protect Journalists was founded in 1981 to monitor abuses against the press and promote press freedom around the world. The CPJ site features alerts about journalists worldwide who have been killed, wounded, or imprisoned while covering the news, along with links to regional program pages for Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Central Asia, and the Middle East and North Africa.
Derechos Human Rights
An Internet-based human rights organization, Derechos specializes in working with human rights organizations in Latin America.
Human Rights Watch
Human Rights Watch, an independent, non-governmental organization with offices in New York, Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Los Angeles, London, and Brussels, stands with victims and activists to prevent discrimination, uphold political freedom, protect people from inhumane conduct in wartime, and bring offenders to justice; investigates and exposes human rights violations; challenges governments and those who hold power to end abusive practices and respect international human rights law; and enlists the public and the international community to support the cause of human rights for all.
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights
New York City-based LCHR works to protect and promote fundamental human rights as affirmed in the International Bill of Human Rights, with a special focus on building the legal institutions and structures that will guarantee human rights in the long term.
National Endowment for Democracy
The National Endowment for Democracy, a private, nonprofit organization created in 1983 to strengthen democratic institutions around the world through non-governmental efforts, receives an annual congressional appropriation and makes hundreds of grants each year to support pro-democracy groups in Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, and the former Soviet Union. The organization is guided by the belief that "freedom is a universal human aspiration that can be realized through the development of democratic institutions, procedures, and values. Democracy cannot be achieved through a single election and need not be based upon the model of the United States or any other particular country. Rather, it evolves according to the needs and traditions of diverse political cultures."
Physicians for Human Rights
Boston-based Physicians for Human Rights mobilizes the health profession and enlists support from the general public to protect and promote the human rights of all people. Using medical and scientific methods, PHR investigates and exposes violations of human rights worldwide and works to stop them.
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
A program of the United Nations that works to provide protection and assistance to refugees and displaced people around the world.
Women's Human Rights Net
A collaborative Information & Communication Technology (ICT) project developed by an international coalition of women's organizations, Women's Human Rights Net delivers news and information about women's and human rights issues in three languages: English, French, and Spanish.